On a chilly November morning a group of pupils from Greyfriars Academy gathered with members of King’s Lynn Rotary and Friends of the Walks to plant crocus and daffodil bulbs at the rear entrance of the school.
The frosty conditions and hardened surface did not deter everyone from getting stuck into preparing the areas marked out for planting by the Parks Staff, with the group working hard to plant the 4,000 bulbs provided by the Rotary, who have been instrumental in the rewilding of several areas in the town.
The bulbs when in bloom in the spring provide a colourful backdrop to the usual grassed areas, as well as adding to the biodiversity, ideal for supporting insects and butterflies.
The children also enjoyed the opportunity to gain some understanding of the best way to plant bulbs together with the benefit that flowers provide to insects and wildlife in general.
They were also made aware of the squirrel’s love of bulbs; they having been keeping a careful eye on proceedings. Hopefully given the number that were planted, enough will remain after winter to provide a really nice colourful avenue on the path to the academy’s back gate.
Janet Moyle, the Academy Deputy Head, said “we are so grateful to the King’s Lynn Rotary and Friends of the Walks for arranging the planting and providing the bulbs. The children were really excited to be able to help with the planting and all will be looking forward to the warmer spring time days when the flowers will all be in bloom.”
Greyfriars pupils help with bulb planting in The Walks
Planning meeting
The friends met on 14th June for an informal meeting and stroll around the park. We identified a range of potential projects we would like to investigate further with BCKLWN. These include adopting flower beds to manage, new bulb planting, extending wildlife areas and providing more interpretation about local history, trees, wildlife and management.
If any of this sounds of interest to you, please email email hidden; JavaScript is required and come and join our group!
Reception for the Walsingham Pilgrims
In March 2024 the Friends helped to mark the 500-year-old tradition of the Walsingham Pilgrims passing through King’s Lynn and visiting the Red Mount Chapel. Mayor Wilkinson welcomed the weary Pilgrims — who were duly revived with food and drink. They paid us in kind with choral recitals in the chapel. Thanks to Gary, Edith and Kim for organising this event, which we now intend to mark every year. A little bit of re-enactment of a medieval tradition in The Walks!