Guanock Gate

Historic images of The Guanock Gate – Grade II* Listed
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The Guanock Gate was originally part of the town’s defences, which included the nearby South Gate on London Road. Guanock is the name for the bank which formed part of these defences. They enclosed a large area and ran from north of The Fisher Fleet, via The Walks, to the South Gate and beyond to Whitefriars. It is likely that only the gates and a short section of the wall either side were made from brick or stone. The rest comprised earth banks and ditches. The defences were called into action during the Civil War of the 1640s, when Parliamentarian soldiers blockaded the Royalist town. In the end, a lack of supplies caused the town to surrender the defences were never breached. In fact, the Parliamentarians improved them, making Lynn the strongest fortress in the region. When the Civil War ended, the defences began to decay.

Part of the town defences were finally removed in the 1800s to make way for increased traffic and new developments. The construction of the railway line also saw large sections being dismantled. Only the South Gate, Guanock Gate and remnants of wall survive. The Guanock Gate eventually became an ornamental feature of interest for people promenading through The Walks.

Click here to read the English Heritage Grade II* listing details